Nailsxo World Cup Nails 2014 - Nigeria
Nailsxo World Cup Nails 2014 Nigeria Nails & Football, two of my favourite things! I am so excited to be taking part in this challenge, which is the brainchild of Emily over at Nailsxo . Everybody who is taking part in the challenge was assigned a random Country which is taking part in the World Cup in Brazil (not long until it starts, yay!). After being given the Country (I was assigned Nigeria ), the challenge was to make some nails based on the Country. Also, which ever teams wins the World Cup, the person who was assigned them wins a prize (although, let's face it... I'm not really expecting Nigeria to do that well)! So here they are: My index and little fingers are my own take on Nigerian fabric patterns. I was using my friend google to help me find some inspiration for my nails. I found a website about Nigeria , and found out that tie dying is very popular. I also did a google image search for Nigerian...
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