Fall / Stag Nails

I am in love with this look, especially the stag vinyl.

I used RS Nail #023 (dark grey) and #239 (pinky copper glitter). The stag vinyl is from MckFresh Nail Attire, which is nail vinyl and handmade polish shop on Etsy based in Australia (the owner is currently on maternity leave)!  For this look, I used one coat of base coat, two coats of the dark grey, and three coats of the pink copper glitter topped with Candy Coat 'Super Shiny No Wipe Top Coat'.

These colours are great for fall/autumn, and the colours along with the stag vinyl give this look a countryside-like feel.   It was so quick and simple to do, and I will definitely be using these colours together again soon.

I still can't get over how much I am enjoying using gel nail polishes!  I don;t have to worry everyday thinking 'is my nail polish going to be chipped in the morning?' or doing my nails every night before work.  My nails also feel pretty strong with the gel polish on, and not using remover every day is doing my nails good.


  1. These are so cool and I LOVE nail decals! Tania xx taniamichele.blogspot.co.uk


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