Clyde-Sider Journey - Part Eight

Welcome to Part Eight of my Clyde-Sider series.

I have (mostly) written these posts as I have done the various media days, training days and shifts (or a day or two after).  I hope you enjoy the tales of my time volunteering for the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games!!

The 24th July was a busy day for me.  It was very tiring, as Hannah & I didn't get back from Glasgow until after midnight after the Opening Ceremony on the 23rd.  It was up nice and early to get through to Glasgow again in time for the Netball.  I had never been to a proper netball match before so it was really interesting.  We had really good seats, a few rows from the front, behind one of the nets.  The first game was Malawi v Northern Ireland, which Malawi won, and then Australia v Wales, which Australia won.  Unfortunately we had to leave a little early as both Hannah and I were on late shifts.  Canada won their first medals!  A silver in the women's triathlon for Kirsten Sweetland, and a gold in the pool for Ryan Cochrane.  I re-did Gillian's nails, as the decals came off because we didn't top coat them.  This time I freehanded some maple leaves.

Gillian's nails.

I was off on the 25th and I caught up on some sleep as Hannah was on shift.

I was on a late shift on the 26th, but I arrived slightly early as Hannah was in a couple of hours before my shift started, but was driving in, so it was easier for me to get a lift!!  On the walk from Tesco to the Village we saw Lindsay & Kate heading back from a Tesco shop, and Lindsay stopped to give us a lift.  I was sent straight to the Welcome Centre, to relieve Morag and Anne who had been keeping an eye on Team Canada's divers' luggage for a couple of hours!!  We had a quick catch up, before having to stop the security people taking the suitcases off us and through the scanners in to the Village!!  While I was waiting, I saw many athlete's returning from training and competition, including Louis Smith!! After spending some time back at Canada HQ., Suzie, Martin and went to the Welcome Centre to pick up the bikes from the Canadian triathlon team.  It was pouring with rain, and the bikes were difficult to find - took ages until we found someone who knew where they were!  They were very nice bikes!!

Anne, I and the suitcases.
Suzie and her bike.
Me and my bike!
After that, I was in the Coaches Lounge, and it was really quiet with no-one in there.  After making sure the fridges were all stocked up, and everything was tidy, I had nothing to do so I made a few loom band bracelets.  Once I had finished my shift, I went to the Recreation Centre where Hannah is based to help out for the last hour or so of her shift before going back to hers, via McDonalds!

My first task on the 27th was to welcome Christabel Nettey into the Village.  I was constantly on the look out in the Welcome Centre for over an hour waiting for her to arrive, and was just about to return to Canada HQ when I spotted her!  I took her to get her accreditation, to Canada HQ, and then finally to her room.  After that I was in the Coaches Lounge all night, until the end of my shift and then it was on to the Recreation Centre to help and wait for Hannah's shift to finish.

I didn't write down what I did on the 28th, and even after trawling through all my pictures, and messages, I still can't work out what I did on that day.  I do know I was on a late shift, and had chilli cheese bites on my way in to the Village as Hannah wasn't on the same shift as me, so I got the train in.  I also know that I had dinner with Suzie, as the only picture I have of the day is her with Clyde (below - just look at Clyde's cute smiley face!)!

I also forgot to write down what I did on the 29th, but one thing that I did take a note of was that Prince William, Kate and Prince Harry were in the Village.  I was heading back from lunch, lots of people had gathered, and I heard that they were about to leave the Recreation Centre, so I decided just to wait and see - it's not every day that you get to see the future King!  I was gutted though, because my phone had died, and I hadn't taken my ipod or camera with me to lunch, as I wasn't expecting to need to use it!  They walked right by me, so I had a great view of them, and also Sir Chris Hoy!!  If I had then followed them to the Village Green, I would have seen Usain Bolt too...  After my shift, I went with Gillian and Mhairi to the Emirates Arena, and then on to Glasgow where I met up with Hannah and we visited the Irn Bru store, along with the market.

Anyway, I think that is long enough for this post!  Well done for getting to the end, and thank you for reading!
Part One -      - Part Two -      - Part Three -      - Part Four -      - Part Five -      - Part Six -
Part Seven -      - Part Eight -      - Part Nine -      - Part Ten -


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