Clyde-Sider Journey - Part Eight

Welcome to Part Eight of my Clyde-Sider series. I have (mostly) written these posts as I have done the various media days, training days and shifts (or a day or two after). I hope you enjoy the tales of my time volunteering for the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games!! The 24th July was a busy day for me. It was very tiring, as Hannah & I didn't get back from Glasgow until after midnight after the Opening Ceremony on the 23rd. It was up nice and early to get through to Glasgow again in time for the Netball. I had never been to a proper netball match before so it was really interesting. We had really good seats, a few rows from the front, behind one of the nets. The first game was Malawi v Northern Ireland, which Malawi won, and then Australia v Wales, which Australia won. Unfortunately we had to leave a little early as both Hannah and I were on late shifts. Canada won their first medals! A silver in the women's triathlon...