Ayrshire Day Out

#DaysOut: Another Friday day off means another little day out / road trip with Suzie!  This time we decided to visit Ayrshire.  We visited Heads of Ayr Farm Park, Electric Brae, Ayr Beach & Cecchini's Italian Restaurant.

What a lovely day we chose for it the weather was scorching!  How lucky we were.  The first stop for us was Heads of Ayr Farm Park.  I didn't actually take too many pictures while we were there

Chinese Water Dragon

Blue Tongued Skink

Cute baby prairie dog!

Did I mention it was pretty hot?  We decided it would be nice just to have a wee sit down / lie in the sun and relax for a bit, so out came the beach towels, and of course snapchat filters!  Haha.

After leaving Head of Ayr Farm Park, we headed for Electric Brae.  I thought it would be good to check it out while we were over that way! The only thing was, I couldn't find anywhere to turn around once we'd passed it, so did a few extra miles finding somewhere suitable! I got a tiny sense of the whole looking like you are going uphill when you are going downhill feeling, but I don't think you can really appreciate it until you are either cycling, or stopping your car and letting it freewheel, which I couldn't do as there were cars in front and behind - and I don't think I would have liked to anyway considering it is just after a corner!

Taken by Suzie

The scenery was stunning between the Farm Park and Electric Brae.  After stopping in a layby to let an ambulance past - great timing! - the scenery was too nice not to stay there for a bit and take some pictures!  We could see Ailsa Craig and the Isle of Arran really clearly.

Ailsa Craig

Isle of Arran

Once we returned to Ayr, we went for a nice walk along the beach.  I had a 99 cone, as what trip to the beach is complete without one...!?  After that it was time to go for (proper) food, and our restaurant of choice was Cecchini's.  The food was lovely and service brilliant.

The sunset was stunning when we walked back to the car park, so I shall end with this lovely picture...

Capturing Moments


  1. Your photos are BRILLIANT! I love all the animals. The smile on that Emu and how you got the joey holding its hands up to its Mummy Kangaroo! The Meerkats are really sweet too!!

    1. Awh, thank you! The Emu was wandering up and down looking like that.. looked like he was constantly amazed haha. x

  2. Oh your photos are gorgeous Emma, I love the scenery here and those shots of the lizards are amazing! Looks like you had a lovely day out. - Tasha

    1. Thank you!! :)
      Was pleased the picture of the Chinese Water Dragon came out, as it was behind glass in a darkened room. Was a fab day out :) x

  3. Absolutely beautiful photos Emma! It's a gorgeous little bit of the world!
    The animals are all grand too, that Chinese Water Dragon is a handsome chap!

    1. I had to stop in each and every lay by because I just loved the views so much! Was very lucky it was a bright day so I could see Ailsa Craig & Arran really clearly.

      He was very handsome :) x


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