Day Trip with Suzie | Part 2

#DaysOut: Part two of the day trip with Suzie saw us visit Mabie Farm Park, just outside New Abbey, then take a little trip down the A710. Taken by Suzie Taken by Suzie Taken by Suzie Such a big child! We were literally the only people in the park for the last hour and a half, so we got to enjoy all of the rides and equipment! The best thing was a giant pillow which was like a trampoline/boucy castle! The most hilarious was the big slide which you go down in little carts. You pick up quite a bit of speed and then kind of get thrown out the cart at the bottom. We were crying with laughter at this!! In fact, the whole trip to the Farm Park was full of laughter for one reason or another and it was really good to forget life and just have a really good time. It was much needed. Drumburn Viewpoint This little viewpoint was just off the A710, and there was probably room for 4 cars. There was a squ...