Guest Post - Doctor Who Nails by Alexandria

Hello Lovelies!

I'm Alexandria from A girl and her chicken named Betty and I'm so happy to be guest posting for Emma today! When I asked Emma what sort of nail art I should do, she told me to just do whatever I wanted, and what do I immediately think of when I can do anything I want? Doctor Who of course!

I freehanded some of the various Doctor's catchphrases on each nail, my thumb says Brilliant, index is Geronimo, middle is What (one of my favorites from Ten), ring is Allonsy, and my pinkie is Cool.

My base is EN-VY blue my mind and I used various blues for the wording, I think the thumb came out the best, the blues go together very nicely!

Polishes I used:

EN-VY blue my mind,
Wet n Wild wild shine I need a refresh-mint,
Pure Ice home run,
Zoya giovanna,
NYC cashmere creme,
Lotus Herbals colour dew deep sea,
Wet n Wild wild shine clear nail protector,
and a detail brush.

Thanks for reading and thanks to Emma for having me!

How awesome are Alexandria's Dr Who nails?!
Make sure you go and check out her blog for more fantastic nail designs.
Thank you very much for doing this post Alexandria!

[It's now the 15th July!  Weird to think that when you real this I will be on my 6th Clyde-Sider shift!  All these posts have been scheduled prior to me going to Glasgow!  I shall however be on to monitor any comments etc...  I will be back for good in August!]


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