#GetLucky - Irish Inspired

Day Two and the prompt is 'Irish Inspired'.  I have gone for the Irish Flag and some plaid.  I think my nails look Irish-ish, and they feel very bright!! My first time attempting plaid on my nails, and I'm really pleased with how it turned out, I just wish I'd used the same green for it rather than opting for a nail art pen. Next time!

I used:
Sinful Colors (orange) - Courtney Orange
W7 (green) - Matt Green
China Glaze (white, thumb) - Snow
MUA (white, middle/ring) - All Nude
Rio Art Pen (green/yellow).

Here are the pictures of my mani:

I planned it out (on the wrong hand!!) using templates from www.nail-lacquer.co.uk :)


  1. Yayyy lovely to see you used the nail art template! Love the Irish theme, my fav finger is the plaid one- so cool combination!!!

    1. Awh thank you! I found it so therapeutic sitting filling in a whole sheet of them! Thank you so much for sharing the template you made :) ! The plaid one was my favourite too :) x

  2. Love that middle finger - it looks so well done! :)

  3. Love love love love LOVE! Super cute and definitely screams Irish!


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